The Grass Lake Spotlight: Celebrating Our Collective Journey

Ribbon being cut at Production Realty Grass Lake

Production Realty Celebrates Grand Re-Opening in Grass Lake with Community Support

July 26, 20241 min read

Grass Lake witnessed a significant community event last Thursday, as Production Realty unveiled their newly renovated office space. Ben Latocki, the broker at Production Realty, and his wife, Kittyanne Latocki, a top producer at the agency, hosted the grand re-opening to share their revamped location with the community.

A Decade of Service and a New Chapter

Having served Grass Lake for over a decade, the Latockis felt it was time to refresh their space and reintroduce it to the community. "We’ve renovated it once ten years ago, and now again. It’s just fun to have everybody here celebrating," Ben explained during the event.

Local Realtors Share Their Stories

Cindy, a real estate agent with Production Realty for ten years and a local resident, expressed her deep connection to Grass Lake, living just across the street. Similarly, Lindsey Torcolacci, who recently joined the Chamber of Commerce and has known the Latocki family for 18 years, shared her excitement about contributing more actively to the community she loves.

Community and Visibility

The choice of location for Production Realty's office, a well-known spot in Grass Lake previously owned by Lauran Adams, underscores its visibility and significance within the town. The community's response has been overwhelmingly positive, reflecting the strong local support for the business.

This grand re-opening not only marks a new phase for Production Realty but also strengthens its bond with the Grass Lake community. The event highlighted the interconnectedness of local businesses and residents, celebrating shared growth and success.

Join us in congratulating Production Realty on their new beginning and continued dedication to serving the Grass Lake community with passion and commitment.

Production Realty

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